2 Steps Forward

Yesterday, was a sobering day. I found myself giving a few words of encouragement to a friend in regards to making the sacrifice of leaving everything that is familiar in order to move forward in her career. My husband and I decided we needed re-evaluate our plan to pay off consumer debt. I also had a talk about "doing the right thing" with another friend when it came to dating Mr. Wrong who happens to be so convenient.
Often, I encourage people to make a temporary sacrifice in order to move forward and actually accomplish a goal. Be it weight lose, career, financial, or relationship goals. Sometimes, you have to take one step back in order to take two steps forward. While it may mean you giving up conveniences that you feel you deserve because you've worked so hard to get where you are in life, sometimes you have to temporarily move away from family and friends for a couple of years, not have your daily dose of chocolate chip cookies, be without Direct TV for a couple of months, or go a significant amount of time without male companionship. If you meet your goals in the end, the sacrifice was worth while. Right?
It's all relative, we fast and pray in order to gain spiritual clarity. Isn't it only right to sacrifice in other areas when you want to meet the associated goals? For my husband and I, not being able to indulge in reality TV for the summer and fall months is a small price to pay if we can testify to being free of consumer debt by the end of Fall 2011. In the grand scheme of things, we all know that when you give a little you're guaranteed to get a lot.
With that being said, don't be afraid to make a sacrifice and take one step back in order to make significant progress toward a much desired goal.

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